Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Plan Was A Go

Ava was extubated about an hour ago and seems to be handling it very well (knock on wood). She is sitting on daddy's lap right now. She is soooo hungry. They had stopped her feedings at 6 this morning and are waiting to see how she tolerates being off of the vent before deciding on when to start her feeds back up. Please continue to pray for her strength and success. Thank you to all of you.


Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO AVA!!!! I'm so proud of her!!! I hope she continues to do so well! I can't wait to see you all! Give the kids kisses and hugs! LOVE YOU!!!

Tyler Patrick Breuer said...

Keep up the good work Ava! There's a bunch of people cheering for you!
Hope to meet you soon,

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear the good news. I will keep my fingers crossed that all continues to go well.

I bet Ava looks so cute with her toes painted. I loved to do that with Syd when she was little. She looked so cute in her 6 month pics with her little sundress on and her fingers and toes done.

I hope to see you guys soon. If you are able to post recent pics, please do so. I am going to print some of the blog to take with us to the reunion on Sat. for the rest of the family to see. Wish you could be there, but maybe next time.

Thinking of all of you as always, tell Nate and Kaden hi for all of us.

Megan said...

Praise God!!!
I knew you could do it baby girl!!
Love, Hugs and Prayers

Pam said...

Oh I am so glad that she is off the vent!! We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers as always!!


Anonymous said...

Good job Ava. You are such a strong girl. Keep on fighting, we are all praying for you. Hope to make it back down soon to see you all. Loved the little pink outfit when we were down last. Hugs and kisses to all.
Thinking of you always!!