I had a doctor appt today. The baby is still growing, but I already knew that!!! I am dialated to 1cm. I know, it doesn't seem like much, but it sure made me happy to know that I am not just experiencing the contractions without any progress. I'll take it. I still have 3 1/2 weeks left until my due date, so we will see if he comes a little early, whether on his own or at the request of the doctor.
Sleep just keeps getting harder and harder to come by. Who needs sleep, right? I know they say it is to prepare you for when the baby comes, but I really think that is unfair. I think Kaden is getting on a different schedule as well. The little stinker woke up a little after 5am yesterday morning and didn't want to go back to sleep. Actually, he has been getting up when I get up for work and he is normally my sleeping buddy on the weekend, sleeping until at least 9. Maybe, he knows things are changing. He is doing really well in school. He actually has a bronch coming up so we will be at CMH the 2nd and 3rd of Feb. for that. I am not looking forward to it. One reason, I do not know how he is going to react being in the PICU after everything with Ava. Second reason, I don't know how I am going to feel about being in the PICU after everything with Ava. I knew that the time would come, I just wish it didn't have to.
Which brings me to my next topic. Ava's birthday is going to be here in about a week. I can't believe that she will be one already. It makes me so sad to know all that we missed with her this past year. Well, we have decided to do a balloon release to celebrate with her. It is so hard to think of ways to celebrate a special occassion like this without her here to celebrate it with. Please join us, as there are many of you who follow along in our journey, and release a balloon for Ava. We would love to see pictures of you all with your balloons so that we can put it in Ava's scrap book. You can e-mail them to me at nateandamy1@yahoo.com. I think that I am going to do cupcakes and things with our family, but haven't thought of all the details. I want to thank you all for being (in a way) a part of our family, although we haven't had the pleasure of meeting most of you. I will put a reminder up for Ava's birthday the closer we get to it. Thanks again.
Do Not Worry
16 years ago
I think having a celebration of Ava's life is the perfect plan. Just remember that even though she isn't with you physically, she is still in your heart. She will be looking down and be so happy. I will be buying some balloons for such a wonderful occassion.
Hopefully you can try and get some rest this weekend and not have too many plans.
Take care and tell Kaden that I'm very proud of him for doing so well in school. I knew he would be just fine!!!
Count us in on the balloon release..wouldnt miss it.
I dont know if it is because he gets up now for school each day or what but Tucker doesnt sleep late anymore...gosh I wish he would. Sleep buddies are nice..if they only knew what was to come. When you get old like me we wish we could sleep all day. :) hang in there.
We would love to celebrate Ava's life with you. Is there a particular color of balloon that you think she would like?
Andy and I appreciate all the advice you've given us over the past month or so. :o) It has given us great perspective!
I wish you all the best I am glad that you all are doing very good I can't wait to hear about the new baby coming I am glad that Kaden is liking school. I will take pictures of my family with the ballon's that I will send to my children and Ava to say I love you all. I will talk to you later and take care could you please tell Kaden that I said hi from Kim and Adrianna
I know its hard to get rest as you get closer. Try even if its just for a little bit. I am praying for you during your stay in the PICU. I think of your little Ava alot.
Please let us know about the balloon release ceremony. We will do it in honor of Ava.
This is my first time here via Family Gossip. I wish you luck and God's blessings on your new baby to be.
Hey there! We'll do the balloon release with you, just remind us. Hopefully it's not a windy day b/c we had a heck of a time w/ releasing Gabi balloons!!! It was freezing and windy, I think our neighbor got the ballons ;)
Isnt' it about time for another picture of you!? I bet you're super cute!
What all is involved with a bronch surgery? What do they do and what is the desired outcome? I will be thinking about Kaden when he has the surgery in Feb. Good luck!
Wow - you really don't have much longer!! I am so excited for you!
I will be releasing balloons for Ava on her birthday!!!
We will definitely be joining in your balloon release. I will be sure that Gabi's throws Ava the biggest party for her special first! I totally understand what you mean by wanting to celebrate and it being so hard without our girls. You have to tell yourself though it is and always will be the right thing for you to do. I think some people think I'm crazy, but they have no idea what we experience on a daily basis. We do what we have to to keep moving forward, but NEVER forgetting the joy and greatness they brought to our lives.
I can't wait to meet Mr. Brody. I would love to introduce him to Kinsley. She loves little boys:)
Give that belly a rub from me! Hugs to you all:)
I will pray for you to find comfort in these last few weeks...I don't miss those days.
good luck with the bronch! and with sleeping better! hopefully Kaden's schedule won't change too much!
we will definately be thinking of Ava on her birthday!
I would love to be a part of the celebration and will be buying balloons as well to send to Ava on her special day. I think that is a great idea.
I hope you start getting some sleep before that big boy enters the world.
Just checking in.....haven't heard from you in a few days. Just like with me, I get worried about you being silent for to long.
Hope your getting some rest and are feeling well.
Love to you,
Kaci and Carson
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