I have to make this quick, but I am very excited to share it with everyone!!! Yesterday, Kaden had an appt in KC. They put a little camera down his trach and his nose while he was awake to look at his vocal chords and other things. Everything looked GREAT!!! His vocal chords are not paralyzed!!! That means there is hope that he will be able to get rid of the trach and that is exactly what we are working towards. They seemed very thrilled that Kaden is staying off of the vent for as long as he is (approx. 12 hours during the day) so now we are working on taking him off at night. I was going to start last night, but time went a lot faster then the rest of me, I felt like I had way too much to do. So, tonight we will start. We are just going to start with the hours I am awake and see how he does and then as time goes on we will work up to more hours at night. So once he can show us that he no longer needs the vent, we will then start working on getting rid of the trach!
More big news...Kaden got a paci-meir (don't know how to spell) valve. This goes on his trach when he is off the vent. He can use his voice loud and clear. So yesterday we heard Kaden's true laugh. It is a beautiful laugh and every time I hear it I can't stop laughing. Last night, I heard my two boys laughing while playing with each other...big, happy laughs!!!! One of the greatest sounds I have ever heard. I can't wait to post a video of them laughing together!!!
Do Not Worry
16 years ago